Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday Spirit ::: Peace

Peaceful Teamwork
Hey, storms happen.
We know this.

So, how do you calm down in the midst of it?
What about when there is strife in the workplace? What if that is in your home office? How do you avoid toxic spillage into your family room?

I use Essential Oils. That's how I manage stress, how I help diffuse (well, there's a pun!) tension. Essential Oils help allow forgiveness and healing to settle comfortably in a room. And I begin with me.

Before a hard talk, I put a Peace-full blend in my hands & breathe deep, massage it on my ears, the back of my neck, and on my chest. Then I also
diffuse it to let everyone benefit from the calming oils.

Let Some Serenity Fill the Room!
Did you know that aromas directly affect our emotions? Have you ever walked into a bakery and smelled that "Grandma's Kitchen" smell that instantly transported you back to a safe & happy place?

We can shift our attitudes by what we are breathing. So, pay attention! Communicate with Intention!

It's all basic stuff, right? Yet when we are in the midst of a difficult conversation it is so easy to revert back to an unproductive, often hurtful, stance. ... As if there is a winner in an argument.

Here are a few other ideas to keep the waves manageable:
       Have an open mind
       Communicate -  Listen, without the loud facial expressions (ouch)
Live Peace
Talk without blaming
       Be objective
       Be respectful
       Look at the root cause
       Revisit the problem in a week

And, Let GO of the small stuff!

Have yourself a Peace-full week.


  1. I LOVE the EO, peace!!! going to order more of this one, Thank you Julia for turning me on to it, so helpful, both you and it.

  2. Yes! It is one of my faves! And really, Lois - YOU are the blessing to me.
    Auntie J


Your thoughts are appreciated!