Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Workaday Wednesday ::: When the Doldrums Hit

Entrepreneurs understand -- It can be a death-defying stomach drop when you've worked your tukhus off and done all the right things, but the money just isn't rolling in.

I'm sharing this because was my world yesterday.
So, for me, I took a break. I cleaned my much-neglected house. I ate junk food & binge-watched Nurse Jackie.

Mind Goo

Most important, I set a time-limit on my self-pity.

Today I'm up. I've taken my vitamins & had a healthy breakfast. My blog is written; I'm off to face the day.

CURIOUS ::: What do you do when the thought of going back to work for somebody else seems like such a sensible thing to do? How do YOU combat that?

Monday, March 28, 2016

Magical Monday! ::: You Bless My World

I Am Diamond ~ And So Are YOU!
This is really the first blog I've done.

... Yes, there was that other attempt, but there was no consistency, no format or true purpose. So this is a work-in-progress, and your patience is appreciated as the magic unfolds.

When thinking of the 'Why' of my posts ~ and this is a business blog ~ a couple of dreams rose to the surface. First, sharing the healthful, soulful benefits of oils with those who might not have tried them, or don't yet fully understand how to use them. Second, sharing some 'life tips' along the way. And third, helping my team with some down-to-earth advice on how to build & share their own business.

To that end comes Magical Monday! You see, our team name is the MagicMakers. My own Life Proclamation is:
I am a Pure, Powerful, Honorable Woman Creating Magic NOW!
and that came with a deeply contemplative process.

Part of that process was to define who it is I wish to be, and part was what it was I most want to affect in this absolutely gorgeous world.

Magical Monday! is my expression to not only my own team, but to anyone who may be building a business, or beginning a new venture. Meant to inspire & uplift, may it serve you well.

You Bless My World, May I Gift That Back To You.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Gratitude S'attitude! ::: A Weekly Reminder

Yesterday while driving back from a long trip, my mind was filled with what to write today. I really like quippy little titles for my post days - it lets you know what's coming & it helps me focus on a topic.

It had been a tiring journey. Yet I was filled with Joy.

It was Gratitude that made the difference, that minimized my sore back or the gas spent or the time away from my own family.

Spiritual Flight
It was Grace that made the difference, that helped an adolescent see a new solution, that helped his parents see a new way of addressing problems. I simply got to be in the right place at the right time.
Yes, I was filled with Joy.

The words all jumped together for me, so now my Saturdays are my Gratitude-sharing days! Gratitude S'attitude! 

We are near the Vernal Equinox and the world celebrates ::: Passover, Easter, Nowruz, Higan-e, Songkran, Holi, May Day, Lady Day ... Earth Day. Megolithic buildings memorialize the 'Equal Night' around the globe.

And with all that comes the humble recognition of the Grace bestowed upon us ... by whichever Higher Power you see fit. And with all that comes the astonishment and Gratitude for all the gifts so freely shared with us.

Yes, I am filled with Joy.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Foodie Friday! ::: Blueberry Overnight French Toast

Blueberry Overnight French Toast*
Here's an excellent Just Because treat!
Make it the night before & forget about it ~ Your morning is easy as, well, toast!

What A Way To Start The Day!
12 slices day old French bread (1 inch thick)
5 eggs
2 1/2 c milk
1 c packed brown sugar, (divided into 3/4 c and 1/4 c portions)
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 tbsp melted butter
2 c fresh or frozen blueberries
optional:  1 c chopped pecans

Arrange bread in a greased 13×9 inch baking dish.
In a bowl, combine the eggs, milk, 3/4 c brown sugar, vanilla; pour over bread.  Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight. Remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes before baking.

Combine butter and remaining 1/4 c sugar; drizzle over the top.
Bake, uncovered, at 400 for 25 minutes.
Sprinkle with blueberries.
Bake 10 minutes longer or until knife inserted near the center comes out clean.

Cool 5 minutes before serving.
Serve with syrup on the side (optional)
Serves:  6-8

Tip ::: Buy your french bread ahead of time, let it sit out for a day, slice it, and freeze it in a gallon size bag.  Then, it’s ready the day of preparation.

* recipe from Busy Kids, Happy Mom blog

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Oil of the Week ::: Lemon

A top-selling essential oil, Lemon has multiple benefits and uses.

Add to water - Lemon provides a refreshing and healthy boost during your day.

Use Lemon in cooking -  enhance the flavor of entrees, soups, desserts, and drinks.

Taken internally - Lemon provides cleansing and digestive benefits and supports healthy respiratory function.

Diffuse Lemon - uplift and energe, Lemon has been shown to help improve mood.

Lemon is also a powerful cleansing agent that purifies the air and surfaces, and can be used as a non-toxic cleaner throughout the home. 

I LOVE My Lemon!
* Take internally to assist with allergies.
* Lemon cleanses the blood, removing petrochemicals.
* Diffuse to create an uplifting environment.

As a cleaner :::
* Add Lemon oil to a spray bottle of water to clean tables, countertops, and other surfaces. Lemon oil also makes a great furniture polish; simply add a few drops to olive oil to clean, protect, and shine wood finishes.
* Soak a cloth in Lemon oil to preserve and protect your leather furniture & leather garments.
* Lemon oil is a great remedy for the early stages of tarnish on silver and other metals.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Workaday Wednesday ::: What's in Your Planner?

If you have a business, you probably have a planner. So, how do you use it? Is it there to track your schedule? Keep appointments? Remind you to pick up dog food? Is it a horrifying wedge of blank pages with a few notes jotted on either end?

What if you used your planner as a whiteboard to brainstorm? A personal journal?

Scribble Furiously!
Me, I try to use pencil ... but most often have a pen ...
Want to color inside the lines, but ... that's just not how I roll.

My planner comes with me. Period. I use it for thoughts, ideas,
concepts, contacts, reminders, appointments and advice. It is my daily reminder of what I do and why I love doing it.

What is in Your Planner? Tell us how you use it, and why.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tipster Tuesday! ::: DIY Toxic-Free Dryer Balls

Make Your Own Natural Alternative to Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets

Substituting an all-natural, toxic-free fabric softener as an alternative to pricey, chemical-based brands is easy & affordable. Make your own 100% natural wool dryer balls that can last for many years, and best of all, can easily be scented with essential oils to leave your fabrics soft and smelling fabulous!

What You Need: 
100% Wool Yarn or other 100% Animal Yarn
Pantyhose (Upcycling: Reuse pantyhose with runs)
Essential Oils of your choosing

Take the end of the yarn and wrap it around your middle and index finger 10 times. Remove it from the fingers and then wrap 2-3 times around the middle (it should look like a bow). This will be the start of your ball.

Keep tightly wrapping the yarn around the start, working toward making a round shape. Once your ball is roughly the size of a tennis ball, cut the yarn and tuck the ends into the sides of the ball. Repeat this process until you have created four or more balls of yarn.

Cut one leg off of the pantyhose. Place one ball into the bottom of the leg and tie a knot right above the ball with the pantyhose to secure it in place. Repeat until all the balls have been added and secured.

Once the balls are tightly secured in the pantyhose, put them in the washer (can be with a load of your dirty laundry) and wash on the hottest setting. This will allow the yarn to felt. Felting will make the yarn fuse together, resulting in a solid ball. Once it has been washed, dry it thoroughly in the
dryer at the highest heat setting.

After the balls are completely dry, remove them from the pantyhose and they’re ready for use!

Before drying your next load of laundry, add your favorite essential oil to
4-6 dryer balls, toss them in the dryer, and enjoy the soft, fluffy, wonderfully aromatic fruits of your labor.

Usage Tip: 2-3 drops of essential oil per ball should last a few loads. Add more drops if you would like a stronger scent. Contact me for oil ideas!

Other Laundry Tips:
Crumple up aluminum foil into a ball and and toss it in the dryer with the wet laundry to get rid of static cling.

Add a few drops of Lemon essential oil to your wash cycle to help remove grease & oil from fabrics.

Add 1/2 cup vinegar to your washer with each load for extra soft clothing. Don’t worry, your clothes will not smell like vinegar once dry. Give it a try!


Show us your results! Take a photo of your homemade creations using essential oils products and post on here or on my Auntie J's fb page (, with the hashtag #athomEOs for a chance to be featured!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Spirit ::: Begin Again, By Letting Go

Happy Spring!

Today is the Spring Equinox, we are officially in renewal mode!
Yet how do we move forward if we are still rooted in the past?
I mean, when we hang on to old hurts and angers we cannot move to our next best place.

Moving Through The Changes
If you've spent any time in the self-help world you will have heard that holding a grudge is like taking poison and expecting the other person to get sick. Resentments only hurt you.

And while that sounds all flow-ey and wonderful, what are some actual steps we can take to let go? Of course we want to move toward our lightest, brightest Self
... so what do we do?

     Take the time to calm your Spirit, be it through sitting, chanting, walking, playing music, making
      art or washing the dog. Each of us attains the 'empty' state in our own way. But don't trick
      yourself - this is a way to clear your mind, not fill it.

     Here is the place to be the angry, blameful teenager. (C'mon, she's still inside each of us, just
     whining to get out!) Make journaling a habit - 10 minutes every evening to notate your day & how
     you felt about it. This will allow your frustrations to vent without hurting anyone else.

Accept Our Part
     This is a stopping point for many. Accepting 'my side of the street' does not mean you agree with
     someone else's actions. It's not an either-or! Regardless how an ugly situation began, how I
     participate is Only Mine.

Accept Our Humanity
     We are on this journey together. We are fallible.
     ..... It helps to remember that.

Be kind to yourself & others. There is Beauty in all the phases.

Some of this may be obvious, but it's important and bears repeating.
Some of this may be new.
Some of you may have a suggestion I've not thought of ... so, please share. Help someone you may never meet!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Foodie Friday! ::: Wild Orange Power Bites

Hi Tribe ~ I've missed you! My last two days have been a bit of a blur. Thursday was spent at a fabulous eWomen event with the inspiring Sandra Yancey - in Seattle.
And yesterday ... :/     Yesterday was all about pain management. Yikes. ~ Thank God for Essential Oils!

Sadly, this caused us to skip the Oil of the Week and Foodie Friday, and I can only do one ...
So since I'll be making these for a health-conscious party today, I choose FOODIES!

Bitty Bites o' Power!

Foodie Friday ~ Wild Orange Power Bites

Life is busy and is constantly on-the-go. These nutrient-packed power bites are great for those days when you just need a little extra boost. Made with Wild Orange essential oil these easy-to-make snackos will help keep your body full of energy and raring to go!

What You Need:
1 C finely shredded coconut, divided
1 C almond butter
1 C dried cranberries
1/2 C raw honey
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp chia seeds
3 drops doTERRA Wild Orange essential oil (or more, if you like)

Yummy Goodness!
Place all ingredients into mixer except for half cup shredded coconut.
Add essential oil.
Mix until well combined.
Roll into balls and coat in the other half cup of shredded coconut.
You’re done! Store in the refrigerator and eat whenever you need any extra boost of energy or before a workout.

Health Highlights:
What better choice for a mid-day snack than a delicious power bite! The energizing ingredients in this recipe are tasty and full of health promoting benefits.
  • Coconut - This fruit contains protein which can help the body rebuild cells and fortify body tissues and muscles. It also contains good amounts of fiber that can aid in a healthy digestive system. [1]
  • Dried Cranberries - This berry can help to regulate blood sugar levels in individuals with type two diabetes. Dried Cranberries also have antioxidants that can help decrease risks of inflammation, heart disease, and cancer. [2]
  • Raw Honey - This delicious food has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties like hydrogen peroxide and antiseptic. Certain types of raw honey have been used to fight even the toughest of bacterial infections such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). [3]
  • Chia Seeds - These seeds are packed with both soluble and insoluble fibers which can promote a healthy digestive system. [4]
Oh, That First Bite!

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Workaday Wednesday ::: Where the Magic Happens

"But I like it under the covers!" shouted little Julie.

Yeah, I get that.
Staying where it's safe & warm & comfy on a potentially stormy day seems to make so much sense. Right?


Yesterday I met with a man who - of all things - is committed to getting feminine hygiene products to young women in Africa so they might attend school every day. WOW. Most men can't even say the word "tampon" much less organize a focused effort to deliver them to girls in need!

Be A Magic Maker!
That is so far outside of the comfort zone, I have no words. And what a difference this person is making!

Here's a pretty cool thought - Magic is a two-way street, and it doesn't really matter which direction it's begun. Creating it, by doing the hard thing, by stepping out of your comfort zone, whether it's for personal gain or to help someone across the globe ... Creating magic changes the world.

... for everybody.

Did you hear me?
Creating Magic Changes The World!

And all it takes is a little courage to get out from under your covers.
Get the hell outta bed, girl! Auntie J is in the house!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tipster Tuesday ::: DIY Natural Body Wash

 DIY Natural Body Wash

Easy to Make!
Scented body wash is a fun way to wake up your senses in the morning or calm them down at night. Scented body wash can provide valuable nourishment to your skin, if it contains the right ingredients.
Try making this easy DIY Body Wash with essential oils ~ Your whole family will love it!
What You Need:
8 ounce glass pump bottle
1/2 cup unscented Castile soap
4 tablespoons vegetable glycerin
3 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil
10 drops of your favorite essential oil
Note: You can find vegetable glycerin at most health food stores. This will help the body wash be thicker,
creamier, and lather better.
Directions:  Combine ingredients, then pour or spoon into glass pump bottle.
Uplift Your Mood With Citrus Oils!
Tip: For an uplifting body wash try these essential oils: Citrus Bliss, Peppermint, Grapefruit, Lime, or Eucalyptus. For a relaxing body wash try these: Lavender, Bergamot, Geranium, or Roman Chamomile.
Shake to combine. You’re done! Make sure to shake before each use, as the ingredients will separate.

Show us your results! Take a photo of your homemade creations using essential oils products and post on here or on my Auntie J's fb page (, with the hashtag #athomEOs for a chance to be featured!

Monday, March 14, 2016

MONDAY MADNESS! ::: 15% off the Oil of the Week!

Lavender Benefits Our Attitude!
It IS Madness ~ so why do we do it?!
Because our belief in these Essential Oils is just like the oils themselves :::
Strong & Pure.
Try one today & find out for yourself!

Last week we featured Lavender. This week you can try it at a discount!
Message me for the details on this terrific deal :)

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday Spirit ::: Peace

Peaceful Teamwork
Hey, storms happen.
We know this.

So, how do you calm down in the midst of it?
What about when there is strife in the workplace? What if that is in your home office? How do you avoid toxic spillage into your family room?

I use Essential Oils. That's how I manage stress, how I help diffuse (well, there's a pun!) tension. Essential Oils help allow forgiveness and healing to settle comfortably in a room. And I begin with me.

Before a hard talk, I put a Peace-full blend in my hands & breathe deep, massage it on my ears, the back of my neck, and on my chest. Then I also
diffuse it to let everyone benefit from the calming oils.

Let Some Serenity Fill the Room!
Did you know that aromas directly affect our emotions? Have you ever walked into a bakery and smelled that "Grandma's Kitchen" smell that instantly transported you back to a safe & happy place?

We can shift our attitudes by what we are breathing. So, pay attention! Communicate with Intention!

It's all basic stuff, right? Yet when we are in the midst of a difficult conversation it is so easy to revert back to an unproductive, often hurtful, stance. ... As if there is a winner in an argument.

Here are a few other ideas to keep the waves manageable:
       Have an open mind
       Communicate -  Listen, without the loud facial expressions (ouch)
Live Peace
Talk without blaming
       Be objective
       Be respectful
       Look at the root cause
       Revisit the problem in a week

And, Let GO of the small stuff!

Have yourself a Peace-full week.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

It's a Pretty Fantastic Day!

The Path Leads Anywhere ... What Do You See?
The rain is drizzling.
The cat is purring.
The fire is warming & the coffee is brewing.
All in all, it's a pretty fantastic day.

How I look at things is so totally up to me. But that took
a long time to figure out. I really didn't want it to be my choice. There's a major responsibility to that!

But ~ and here's the beauty of the thing ~
responsibility isn't the lead weight around my neck
that I'd been primed to believe.

Responsibility is FREEDOM!

I am free to see the drizzle as gorgeous. Free to look at my blog as a gift I get to share. Free to look at my rather new position as full-time entrepreneur as an unbelievable opportunity to grow to the height & depth & breadth that I've always dreamed about!

Yes ... the weather is wet and damp. Daily writing is a challenge. No weekly paycheck is scary.

Yet what I believe is possible becomes possible.
So, without me knowing how, exactly ... this all fits together, just right.

The warm & loving home-in-the-storm is exactly the right place for my blog to get written, the muffins to get baked, the phone calls to be made.

And from there, we fly.

Friday, March 11, 2016

FOODIE FRIDAY! ::: Healthy Cinnamon Apple Cake with Cinnamon Essential Oil

Yummy AND Healthy!

What's for dinner tonight?
Forget that! What's for YUMMIES Tomorrow?!

If you want something sweet yet healthy for breakfast,
this is the cake to make.

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 1/2 tbsp baking powder
3/4 cup raw sugar
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup walnuts
2 small apples, grated
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 drop Cinnamon Essential Oil

Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly coat your tin with olive oil.
Juice orange in bowl, set aside.
In a separate bowl, mix together flour, cinnamon, & baking powder, set aside.
Looking Good!
Grate the apples, set aside.
In a different large bowl, add sugar, olive oil, & Cinnamon Essential Oil.
Mix together using a handheld or free-standing mixer.
Alternate adding the flour mix and the orange juice to a bowl with the sugar & oil and keep mixing. It’s okay if the mixture looks dry. The grated apples will provide additional moisture.
Fold in the apples and the walnuts gently with a spoon until just combined.
Pour the mixture into baking dish and bake for 45 minutes (test with a toothpick).
Slice and enjoy!

Health Highlights
Who says a delicious cake can’t be healthy? This scrumptious Cinnamon Apple Cake is full of
wonderful foods that can help keep the heart healthy AND fill the needs of that sweet tooth!
Here's to You!
Apples - Making apples a part of your diet is a great way to help protect yourself from heart disease. Apples are filled with soluble fibers that can help reduce cholesterol-rich plaque buildup in your arteries, which can keep the heart functioning properly.[1]
Oranges - The nutrients in oranges, such as vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, all help to strengthen the heart and can help reduce risks of heart disease.[2]
Walnuts - A walnut’s components may contain anti-cancer properties which can help reduce risks of colon cancer and prostate cancer. This nut is yet another food that that can help fight against heart disease.[3]

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Workaday Wednesday ::: I'll Get To It In A Minute

Are You Stuck to Your Clock?
When Wednesday Turns Into Thursday ...
Yes, I was busy.
We ALL are.

My best intention told me I'd write my blog (or, work
that formula, or finish those taxes) in just a minute.
... Okay, okay, after dinner.

And then it was forgotten.

Now, I'm not berating myself, I simply want to focus on doing that which is best for my Highest Self. And procrastination ain't got no place there!

So. Give me a suggestion! What do YOU do to keep yourself in check?
I'd really like to know.

I'll post your comments on the next Workaday Wednesday.
... uh, this time, on Wednesday!

What's Your Method?!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Celebrate International Women's Day!

Guanyin, Bodhisatva of Compassion & Mercy
In lieu of Tipster Tuesday, please help me celebrate
International Women's Day!

To all the Mothers, Sisters, Aunties & Cousins ... to the Grandmothers & Wise Women, the Peace Keepers &
the Rabble Rousers ... to the BusinessWomen, the Artists, the Scientists and the Mentors ... to our Friends, to our Ancestors and especially, to our Daughters & Nieces ~


Never Forget ~~~ I am PROUD of YOU.

Well stated, Google!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Julia, Unveiled

Fun & Fancy!
A little over a week ago I spoke on seeking & stretching & facing things that scare me  ...

And, well, the photo shoot was all of those things,  but it was also Fantastic! and Uplifting! And a pretty awesome reminder that
Us Women are Gorgeous!

20 or so of us gathered together 'round a dining table, dressed to the nines & having fun with each other. Not at all a competition ... because we were all aware of the delicate balance, the dance between self-acceptance and comfortability and the desire to be attractive.

We were all cheering each other on.
Pretty hot, indeed.

If you have the opportunity to visit the JezebelVonZephyr studio outside of Seattle, make the trip. It was a rare chance to play dress up, meet some great new friends, and look damn good doing it!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Foodie Friday! ::: Cannelli Bean Quick Bowl with Purple Peppers, Kale & Lemon Essential Oil

Sauteed Cannellini Bean Quick Bowl with Purple Peppers, Kale, and Lemon essential oil

Quick, Yummy, Healthy
Who Says You Can't Have It All?!
1 bunch Tuscan kale (aka dinosaur kale or lacinato kale) stems removed
3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 can Cannellini beans
2-3 tbsp liquid  from Cannellini beans, reserved
1/4 tsp fine grain sea salt
1/3 c  walnuts, lightly toasted and chopped
2 heirloom purple peppers (or regular), sliced into a thick julienne
minced garlic to taste
5-10 drops of Lemon essential oil (It seems like a lot, but the earthiness of the beans and kale requires a good amount of citrusy brightness.)
1/3 c freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Drain can of beans, reserving 2-3 tbsp of liquid. Rinse beans and shake off as much as water as possible
Lay beans on paper towel, gently press another on top to dry
Chop the kale, wash it, and shake off as much water as you can.
Heat the olive oil over medium-high heat in your widest skillet
Add the beans in a single layer. Stir to coat the beans, then let them sit long enough to brown lightly on one side, about 3 or 4 minutes, before turning to brown the other side, also about 3 or 4 minutes. The beans should be golden and a bit crunchy on the outside
Add purple peppers, saute until tender-crisp
1-Pot Easy :)
Add the kale and salt to the pan and cook for less than a minute, just long enough for the kale to lose a bit of its structure
Stir in the walnuts, wait ten seconds, and add desired amount of Lemon essential oil
Add the reserved liquid from beans to desired consistency, stir & remove from heat

Recommended Mix-ins
Brown Rice

Tuscan Kale- Kale is packed with antioxidants which help shield against different types of cancer. Kale is also a low calorie food with a high fiber content which makes it an ideal vegetable for promoting weight loss.(1)

Cannellini Beans- Because cannellini beans have a low glycemic index, they metabolize slower giving the body energy hours after the beans are consumed. Low glycemic index foods may also play an active role in reducing chances of cardiovascular disease. (2)

Purple Peppers- These peppers are a great source of vitamin C. Consuming foods with high amounts of vitamin C help boost immunity, prevent bleeding gums, and work as an effective anti-inflammatory.(3)


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Oil of the Week ::: Lavender

Lavender flowers harvested from the hills of  France
The purest and most advantageous lavender essential oil is harvested and steam-distilled from lavender flowers in the hill country of France.

It has a light & powdery floral scent and has been used for millennia as a tonic and wellness support. In ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for bathing, relaxation, cooking, and as a perfume.

Due to Lavender’s versatile properties, it is considered the must-have oil to have on hand at
all times. We certainly do ~ in the kitchen, in the cupboard, in the beauty cabinet!

• Take internally to reduce anxious feelings.*
• Keep a bottle of Lavender on hand to soothe occasional skin irritations. 
• Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet for a restful night's sleep. 
• Lavender & water in a spray bottle can freshen your closets, bedding, and car.
• Use in cooking to soften citrus flavors and add a flavorful twist to marinades, baked goods, and
   desserts. Mmmm! Lavender-Blueberry muffins (I sense a Foodie Friday coming on!)*

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice. 
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.*
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area.

* Ensure the lavender oil you use is SAFE FOR INTERNAL USE! Check for a Supplement Facts Label
   on the bottle.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Workaday Wednesday ::: Because Sometimes You Just Go On

Unending Unfolding
Okay ... I had to call it. I'd worked hard to get to my goal, I'd been focused, determined. And I didn't make it.

It's okay that it didn't happen. Well, it's not ... I cried a little. But I did my best and I was of service ...

And along the way some incredible things happened.
I made a new best friend. I stretched beyond what I thought I could do. Most important, someone who really needed it got some help from me. The kind of help that can change her life. And really, isn't that why I'm doing this in the first place?

I'll make my goal this month, with even more confidence because now I know how to fall. And I know how to pick myself back up.

The Lessons go on when we do.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tipster Tuesday ::: DIY Razor Relief Serum

DIY Razor Relief Serum with Essential Oils

Shaving may be essential, but razor bumps are not. Man or woman, you can provide relief to your skin with this Razor Relief Serum enhanced with calming essential oils that will help your skin look great and feel even better.

Smooth As Silk

What You Need:

1/2 cup Fractionated Coconut Oil
1/4 cup rosewater (found at health food stores)
5 drops Frankincense essential oil
5 drops Lavender essential oil
5 drops Melaleuca essential oil
5 drops Helichrysum essential oil
5 drops Myrrh essential oil

Place Fractionated Coconut Oil and rosewater
into a glass spray or pump bottle.
Add essential oils and shake. Spray directly on skin or add 2-3 pumps in your palms and rub on affected skin.