You may be able to relate to this ...
The kids (or the husband, or the cat) need breakfast, your customers need attention, your house needs cleaning, your office needs organizing, and your MIND is overwrought with what to look at first!
This is NOT my home! |
That was My morning, anyway.
And a nice throbbing ache began ... you know the one, right behind the eyes, you feel a little swirly ... and a lot snarly. Attending to any one thing is hard when there are so many sparkly things to distract me.
So I rubbed some Focusing Blend on my wrists, my temple, the back of my neck, and you know what? I slowed down the whirlwind. I calmed down the panic. The dullness is gone. And I'm able to keep writing!
... now, what about that garage?!
This blog is relevant to women in so many ways. The chaos of running a household, of being a woman in a career or running her own business, as well as the importance of self-care. It's great that there are products like the oil, 'Focusing Blend' to remind us that we need to slow down. How about also giving some of the 'monkeys' away? In my keynote, 'Not Your Monkey, Not Your Circus', I remind women that we need to make it less about us always being 'The Ringmaster' and more about how we can involve others in helping us. Come on ladies, in conjunction with the act of taking a moment to rub the healing oil on, how about also taking a moment to ask for help? We will raise families who are more responsible and as well as have the life skills to become contributing adults!