Monday, February 29, 2016


I AM Possible!
Ever extend yourself far beyond logic? Did you go past the point of easy believability into the fantastical 'anything-can-happen' realm?

Reality be damned! I exist in My Imagination!
And my imagination tells me that deadlines are the delusion. That fear is
the hallucination. My Success is real when I say it is. Well, I say that it is.

Wild Ride Ahead, folks ~ We'll talk tomorrow!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Spirit Sunday ::: Share Love Be Love

Exquisite Artwork by Winifred Potenza

Just a little reminder that we are all in this together.
We will get through this.

We are worth it.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hidden Long Enough ...

My good friend, Sara James Williamson, is a phenomenal portrait photographer, specializing in bringing out the (ofttimes hidden) beauty of the Woman.

Where are you in your life? Woman or Man, how do you SEE yourself? Mostly I don't think about how I look. ...
 ........ mostly.

When I was younger there was a lot of the wrong kind of attention, so I learned to wear big t-shirts and no make-up ... secure in the knowledge that I was hot, no matter what the world got to see.

Now I'm in middle-age (which is not nearly the penalty I'd dreaded), and have an obvious and unattractive scar on my lip. I still mostly dress down ... but maybe this whole 'staying hidden' thing is working a little too well.

So the idea of having a sexy, glammy photo of myself is both exciting and terrifying. And you know what? I'm Going to Do It! Tonight, Sara is holding her Red Gala event ~ Ladies Only. We get to dress up, and support each other, have dinner, have fun ... relax ... and get a Hottie portrait!

I've already decided to hang it next to my bedroom door. When I walk out to see the day, it's important to remember this lovely, sexy, Woman is Me.

You'll have to wait for the update!

For info on Sara's excellent artistry, check out

Friday, February 26, 2016

Foodie Friday! ::: Cinnamon Creamer

Who doesn't love an extra bit of fun from time to time? Here is a healthy, flavorful way to spice up your coffee or tea. Enjoy!
How yummy!

DIY coffee creamer: 
2 c milk (or milk substitute)
1/2 c condensed milk
1 drop Cinnamon Essential Oil

Combine in jar & stir well

This creamer adds a wonderful richness to your
coffee & tea! Store in a lidded glass jar and it will keep for a several days.

Interested in essential oils? Now is the perfect time! Get a wholesale account & get free oils, too ~ But, Hurry. This promotion ends on Monday.

And now, for the question ~ What is your favorite flavor in your coffee?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Workaday Wednesday ::: Meet My New Friend, Ruby Premier!

Ruby Premier? Who's She?

If you know me, you know I'm an entrepreneur. I have a team, and a supportive upline, and lots of ways to get coached & challenged. I also have a personal leader who is off her stinkin' rocker!

Yeaaaaah ... She told me to Act As If ... To live my real life in the Imagination of where I want to be.

My assignment yesterday was to take my next three ranks (my goals), put them in my car and go for a long drive. Talk to them, honor them, have fun with them ... and ignore the people driving by giving me the sideways is-she-crazy? look.

It felt a little awkward at first. I mean, it was me who was talking ... who was I fooling, anyway? 

But I went ahead, even  giving my Girls names - Ruby Premier, Silver Silvia, and Goldie Bomb! Ruby Premier sat right next to me because she's the first one to come to me. Silver & Goldie sat in the back and were *mostly* quiet. But RUBY was a talker! Man, she had some terrific ideas for my team ... things I just hadn't been coming up with on my own! It's always easier when a team works together.
Wildfire AngelDragon ~ Watch Me FLY!

Crazy like a fox, I say.

I wasn't fooling anyone. I was tapping into the Imagination of the Universe ~
I was playing with God & God was playing with me. And it was Good

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tipster Tuesday ::: DIY Hair Perfume

Want to leave a sweet memory as you pass by? Make your own hair perfume with the enticing aroma of essential oils!

Lightly mist your hair & hear the compliments commence. Have fun ~ switch up the oils ~ find the perfect aroma for You!*
Look beautiful, Smell Beautiful ~ BE Beautiful! 

1/3 cup rose water**
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
5 drops Ylang Ylang4 drops Rosemary
5 drops Sandalwood
3 drops Lavender
4 drops Grapefruit

* Gentlemen, try adding Cedarwood, Sandlawood or Vetiver to the mix. Their woody, earthy fragrance is enticing and they all have an added calming benefit.

** You can purchase rose water at most health food stores in the soap and hygiene aisle.

In a fine-mist glass spray bottle, add rose water, vanilla extract, and essential oils. Add more or less essential oils depending on your preference. Shake and spray on hair as desired.

Please note that citrus essential oils are photosensitive and can lighten your hair if exposed to UV rays.

Monday, February 22, 2016

What's In A Name?

Mentoring Compassion

Leaders Circle.

Sounds pretty impressive.

... but it's just a name, right?

Maybe not.
What we call ourselves could bring about that which we seek.

(What the hell does that mean?!)

It means that when we call ourselves Leaders or Creatives or MagicMakers, or even simply kind ... we have just given ourselves permission to Be exactly that.

So today, when I was invited to be a part of the Leaders Circle you can bet I jumped up and said,
"Oh, yes I AM!"

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday Spirit ::: Drawing Outside of the Lines

Did anyone else feel extra-special-proud of themselves because they were really good at filling in those open spaces with exactly the right colors? uh, yeah. It's pretty embarrassing to realize I was such a good little drone.

Scribble Everywhere!
So, what would happen if you just started to ... I don't know ... play piano? 
No Experience Necessary.
What if you dropped all your expectations and let the Great Spirit fill your soul and flow out your fingers onto the glorious ivories?
Aaaand, what if it sounded all harsh & twangy? What if it was nothing like
the symphony you hear in your head ...?

Would you stop, frightened of how wrong it might seem? Or could you play on, full in the joy of finding that one amazing note?! Would you keep searching for the next astounding discovery? Could you lose yourself searching for the voice in your uncommon opus?

We might not all be Mozart ... but we all deserve to play our song.


Let yourself be imperfect. That's the place where genius lives.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Feeling Grateful

Team H.O.P.E.
Today was pretty great - not only did I get to hang with a group of brilliant and lovely humans, one generous soul brought my team's t-shirts. (Thank you, Bunny!)

Team H.O.P.E. stands for Helping. Other. People. Everyday.

Our little section is called the MagicMakers because when you Help Others that's exactly what you do create. LIFE is Magic! And I believe we come more fully alive when we stretch outside of ourselves and share that spark with others.

To my lovely, wonderful, and willing cohorts ~ I'm proud to have you on my team. Let's go make some more Magic!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Foodie Friday! ::: Italian Chicken Soup

Italian Chicken Soup

Mmmn ~ Hot soup on a cold day! Italian Chicken Soup is an easy and delicious meal that should be a staple in every home. The fresh vegetables and hearty sauce will make you feel full & satisfied without being stuffed.

Healthy & Delicious!
3 tablespoons flaked oregano
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 chicken breast
Chicken stock
4 stalks celery
1 green pepper
1 package Ditalini pasta
4 Roma tomatoes
1 pint whipping cream
2 drops Oregano essential oil
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper

Place 1 tbsp of olive oil and 4 tbsp of flaked oregano in small skillet and sauté over medium heat for approximately 1 min. Set aside.
Place chicken, 1 and 1 cup of chicken stock in pressure cooker. Cook for 20 min on high. Once chicken has finished cooking, shred or dice it.
Dice 4 stalks of celery and 1 green pepper. Place celery and green pepper in small skillet and sauté over medium heat for approximately 1 min.
Place chicken and celery and green pepper mixture back into pressure cooker. Add pasta.
Pour 5 cups of chicken stock over noodles until covered.
Add ½ tsp of real salt and ½ tsp coarse black pepper. Cook in pressure cooker on low pressure for 2 min.
When complete, add 1 pint of whipping cream, 4 Roma tomatoes diced, the sautéed oregano, and Oregano essential oil. Mix thoroughly and let heat for 1 min before serving.


Why Chicken Soup Is So Good For You:::This chicken soup is just what the soul ordered. Every mouthwatering bite is brimming with nutritious vegetables that will strengthen your body and help fight against health risks.

Celery - Because of its low acidity, increased celery intake is recommended to help with heartburn and acid reflux. Celery is also known to help reduce cancer risks for cancers like breast cancer and pancreatic cancer.[1]

Green peppers - These peppers are filled with large amounts of vitamin C which can assist the body in fighting off infection. [2]

Tomatoes - The beta-carotene and vitamins in tomatoes can help to decrease the harmful effects of free radicals (molecules that can assist in causing cancer, heart disease, arthritis, etc.). For beta-carotene rich tomatoes, make sure to choose the reddest ones! [3]

[1] //
[2] //
[3] //; //

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Managing My Hectic Head Space

You may be able to relate to this ...

The kids (or the husband, or the cat) need breakfast, your customers need attention, your house needs cleaning, your office needs organizing, and your MIND is overwrought with what to look at first!

This is NOT my home!
That was My morning, anyway.

And a nice throbbing ache began ... you know the one, right behind the eyes, you feel a little swirly ... and a lot snarly. Attending to any one thing is hard when there are so many sparkly things to distract me.

So I rubbed some Focusing Blend on my wrists, my temple, the back of my neck, and you know what? I slowed down the whirlwind. I calmed down the panic. The dullness is gone. And I'm able to keep writing!

... now, what about that garage?!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Get Shiny!


Wow - it was quite the motivational call-in this morning with my essential oil upline. And I mean UP! All the way up to the very first person to join the company ~ it was mesmerizing listening to what he had to say.

But let's get back to you. You probably don't care about my morning ... '-)

So, what floats your boat? What slams you up out of bed, off the couch, out of that slump?! How do you rise up out of your belief and change your life???

I could tell you about using & diffusing oils ~ because I do ... and they do support me ~ but there's so much more to it, isn't there?

 A week ago I was at a pretty great eWomen Network event with the powerhouse, Sandra Yancey. Do you know what she said? "You can't make a Million Dollar Dream on a minimum wage mindset!"
Get On Up!
That woke me up and got me out of my chair!

You know what she's talking about, right? You want to change ... you wish to make it different ... but somewhere along the way your mind tricks you into believing that you actually have an "allotted place" ... that here is where you belong.


Your Higher Power Believes in You! Who are you to say no?
Create Magnificence! Be Powerful! GET SHINY!!

Attract greatness to you by giving greatly to the world outside you. The shift is tingling all around!  

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tipster Tuesday! ::: DIY Hand Cleanser

DIY ::: Make Your Own Take-Along Hand Cleanser

Hand cleansers are a convenient, on-the-go solution for cleaning your hands when soap and water are unavailable. This homemade version will not only cleanse your hands, but moisturize them too.

Clean, Fragrant, Non-toxic!
What You Need:
5 tablespoons aloe vera gel
4 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon vitamin E oil
8-10 drops Protective Blend
Small Squeeze Container

Note: Essential oils can be stored in plastic containers if the essential oils are highly diluted. Make sure they are high quality if you do use plastic containers.

In a bowl combine aloe vera gel & vitamin E oil.

Add 8-10 drops of Protective Blend to the aloe vera mixture.

Add water and mix well to combine, adding more or less water depending on the consistency you prefer.

Pour into container and you’re done! Bring along in your bag, car, or to the office for an effective, alcohol-free hand cleanser.


If you are interested in essential oils please leave a comment, or contact me directly via my profile.
Serving you with excellence is my goal.

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Day After ...

Are YOU on Fire?!
So here it is, one day past the Day-of-Romance.

For those of us living in the 'single' mode, February 14th is always a bit ... meh. And perhaps some of you were less than amazed by the warmth & thoughtfulness your partner put into the day. Or maybe it was incredible, but what about Today?

Last weekend I held an online class about Passion. It was a pretty great reminder that what zaps us into awareness, what really sets us on fire is more than simple ardor. Passion is a way of living, I think. Are you excited to wake up, ready to see what's in store for you? Granted, some days are more - or less - stimulating than others. But from what place do you begin?!

I slathered essential oil all over my body and diffused it the whole weekend long. I felt excited, and hopeful, and was really productive! ... Plus I got a lot of "Wow! You smell good!" comments.  '-)

Tell me:::What do You do to keep your fire bright?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Auntie J's is LIVE! How exciting is that?!
Here is to all my team - up & down the line, who have inspired, honed, & encouraged me forward. Please post a comment and let me know your impressions!


The background picture reminds me of Roman Chamomile ~ What do you think?